| 1. | Snake river plateau 蛇河高原 |
| 2. | Pass by idaho falls and drive along the snake river to enter to grand tenton national park 一路上但见辽阔的草原,驰骋的牛羊,抵达农牧产品集散地爱连荷瀑布市。 |
| 3. | Some events pulled in extraordinary money : $ 1m for crashing over 13 single - deckers in london , $ 6m for the snake river plunge 一些重大表演还会赚到巨额奖金:在伦敦飞跃13辆单层公交车赚了一百万美元,后来飞跃斯内克河峡谷获得了六百万美元。 |
| 4. | Twin falls - shoshone falls - snake river canyon - perrine memorial bridge - reno after breakfast , heading toward snake river canyon . visit the twin falls and shos 早餐后,前往蛇河峡谷,参观双子瀑布和肖松瀑布,随后前往皮瑞尼铁桥,这座桥宽1500英尺,高486英尺,它是全世界最高跳伞及最高弹跳闻名的场地之。 |
| 5. | You will reach the cowboy state of wyoming by noon . after lunch , continue along the snake river to arrive at the grand teton national park and then the world famous yellowstone national park . over night at park 中午时分进入著名的牛仔州怀俄明州在充满西部风味的杰克森城午餐后沿著蛇河河谷,进入大提顿国家公园,高耸入云的山峰,覆盖著千年的冰河,宛如进入人间仙境尤胜富士山。 |
| 6. | Pass through twin falls - idaho , as views of the snake river gorge highlight this area . continue to the state of wyoming and visit the western town of jackson hole . arches made of elk antlers decorate the central plaza in this town with plenty of shops and restaurants around the area 经双子瀑布到达怀俄明州的西部著名的牛仔之乡-杰克逊镇jackson ,参观远近驰名的鹿茸园,数万鹿角搭成的巨型拱门,每年吸引数百万游客于此留影。 |
| 7. | Visit state capitol early in the morning , then drive along the great salt lake basin , you will reach the cowboy state - wyoming by noon . enjoy a lunch and brief shopping visit in the famous town of jackson hole . after lunch , continue along the snake river to the grand teton national park , and then towards world famous yellowstone national park 中午时分进入著名的牛仔州怀俄明州,在充满西部风味的孰克森城午餐后,沿著蛇河河谷,进入大提顿国家公园,高耸入云的山巅覆盖著千年的冰河,山连山,峰连峰,犹胜富士雪山,傍晚抵达全美第一的黄石公园。 |
| 8. | Drive along the great salt lake basin , you will reach the cowboy state - wyoming by noon . enjoy a lunch and brief shopping visit in the famous town of jackson hole . after lunch , continue along the snake river to the grand teton national park , and then towards world famous yellowstone national park 中午时分进入著名的牛仔州怀俄明州,在充满西部风味的孰克森城午餐后,沿著蛇河河谷,进入大提顿国家公园,高耸入云的山巅覆盖著千年的冰河,山连山,峰连峰,犹胜富士雪山,傍晚抵达全美第一的黄石公园。 |